Source code for src.core.nodefetchers.basefetcher

.. module:: basefectcher
   :synopsis: Base class for all kinds of backend fetchers


[docs]class BaseFetcher(object): """ Base class for all kinds of backend fetchers This class is the base/super class for all backend fetchers. Individual backend fetchers have to inherit this class and an optionally override the methods present in this class Args: **kwargs (dictionary) : Dictionary containing params """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): """ Init method for BaseFetcher Args: **kwargs (dictionary) : Dictionary containing params """ self.response = kwargs.get("response") def __check_response(self): """ Method to check validity of the received response Check if we got a response successfully. Should be overridden by individual fetchers Returns: bool : Whether response is valid or not """ return True
[docs] def fetch(self): """ Method for fecthing backend nodes from orchestrator Make request for nodes. Should be overridden by individual fetchers """ pass