Source code for src.core.nodefetchers.orchestrator

.. module:: orchestrator
   :synopsis: Module for initialising backend fetcher


from .awsfetcher.awsfetcher import AwsFetcher
from .consulfetcher.consulfetcher import ConsulFetcher


[docs]def get_orchestrator_handler(config, logger=None): """ Method for deciding which fetcher to use Decide which fetcher to use depending on the orchestrator mentioned in the config. Args: config (dictionary) : dictionary holding ep2 config logger (object) : logger object Returns: object : Backend fetcher """ orchestrator = config.get("haproxy").get("orchestrator") if orchestrator.lower() == "aws": handler = prepare_aws_handler(config.get(orchestrator), logger) if orchestrator.lower() == "consul": handler = prepare_consul_handler(config.get(orchestrator), logger) return handler
[docs]def prepare_aws_handler(config, logger): """ Prepares the AWS fetcher Args: config (dictionary) : dictionary containing ep2 config Returns: srv.nodefetchers.awsfetcher.awsfetcher : Aws backend fetecher """ aws_access_key_id = config.get("aws_access_key_id") aws_secret_access_key = config.get("aws_secret_access_key") ip_type = config.get("ip_type") asg_name = config.get("asg_name") region_name = config.get("region_name") aws_handler = AwsFetcher(aws_access_key_id=aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=aws_secret_access_key, ip_type=ip_type, asg_name=asg_name, region_name=region_name, logger=logger ) return aws_handler
[docs]def prepare_consul_handler(config, logger): """ Prepares the Consul fetcher Args: config (dictionary) : dictionary containing ep2 config Returns: srv.nodefetchers.consulfetcher.cosulfetcher : Consul backend fetcher """ consul_ip = config.get("consul_ip", DEFAULT_CONSUL_IP) consul_port = config.get("consul_port", DEFAULT_CONSUL_PORT) service_name = config.get("service_name") tags = config.get("tags") only_passing = bool(config.get("only_passing", True)) tags_list = [] if tags: tags_list = [tag.strip() for tag in tags.split(",")] consul_fetcher = ConsulFetcher( consul_ip=consul_ip, consul_port=consul_port, service_name=service_name, tags=tags_list, only_passing=only_passing, logger=logger ) return consul_fetcher